Sunday, February 23, 2025

Sustainability in food and FMCG packaging

Sustainability in food and FMCG

The packaging industry is vast and so are the newer packaging techniques every year adding to the innovation basket. Food and FMCG packaging especially hold a special place in contributing to the upliftment of the packaging industry. This section of packaging contributes a major portion towards increasing the growth of the industry. As we progress towards embracing an environment-affectionate packaging technique, the major players of Food and FMCG packaging is progressing towards adapting to advanced technical innovations and shifting their focus towards brand awareness. Today, the food and FMCG market has been the major player while driving consumer needs and aligning with the regulations of sustainable packaging.

Sustainable packaging

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The major players are adapting to sustainable awareness and thus have initiated their focus towards their active projects which are mainly designed to look at sustainable material options for their products which adds to huge waste every year. Increased awareness toward sustainable global focus is the need of the hour. The concept of sustainable manufacturing has been acutely adopted by packaging industries mainly to develop and reconstruct an eco-friendly product and maintain a healthier packaging process.

In recent times, industries have merged hands and progressed toward a sustainable Industry 4.0 which is guided by smart intelligent devices, it is seen Industry 4.0 can possibly decrease excess production, channelized material movement, effective consumption of energy and limit product waste. All of these are the first step in securing sustainable and healthy business practices. The Sustainable Development Goals set out by the UN in 2015 are adopted as the 2030 agenda for sustainable development in manufacturing, especially for the packaging sector. Globally, sustainability has created a great stir in the packaging world and as per recent reports by 2030, the major players will ‘Go green’ with their sustainability approach.

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The Food and FMCG manufacturers are diverting towards a sustainable approach by implementing and producing their product packages with either bio-based polymers, paper, and glass-based packaging to meet sustainability and environmental goals in maintaining a secure future. With recent developments of small enterprises emerging under ‘Start-up India Seed fund scheme’, this initiative from the local government has helped in bringing up innovative biodegradable products which are new, innovative, sustainable, and eco-friendly, this, in turn, has helped the bigger players in securing their mission towards sustainability goals. Beauty and food items come in different sizes and shapes, thus every year it is seen the industry produces major waste and this has made the manufacturers join hands with the government to produce their products in biodegradable boxes or containers.

Rise of innovation packaging

Packaging industries are constantly changing their production ways and methods. Today, the market is becoming more oriented toward consumer demand and choice but at the same time their focus is towards channeling the global approach because vanishing business boundaries, protectionism and the resulting increase in competitiveness towards meeting consumer and environmental goals are the need of the hour. Thus, to meet the ends and secure a well-designated market position implementing innovation is the only solution to it.

B&R offers innovative products and solutions for all types of packaging machinery: from primary and secondary packaging to end-of-line solutions. Innovation’s product portfolio adheres to unique requirements and helps OEM set new standards for flexible, productive, efficient packaging technology and creating adaptive machines that bring real competitive advantages. Today, to remain competitive, one must create a platform for continuous innovation.

B&R provides the manufacturers not only the products, but the complete solutions that include training, application development, support, and operations management. It is seen manufacturers to achieve their sustainable goals are switching towards multidimensional manufacturing. Thus, with ACOPOS 6D, B&R heralds a new era of manufacturing. The magnetic levitating shuttles move individual products freely through the machine. Gone are the days when conventional transport systems imposed rigidly defined timing on the production process.

ACOPOS 6D is ideal for small-batch production with frequent changeover between products of different designs and dimensions. B&R’s ACOPOS 6D moves products freely through an open production space, creating new dimensions of flexibility in packaging. Each product can be raised, lowered, weighed, tilted, and rotated as it navigates its own personal route through the system. The system enables instant changeover on the fly, profitable small-batch production, minimized footprint and mass customization on the production floor. ACOPOS 6D eliminates all friction, wear and contamination making it ideal for handling products in the strictly controlled environments of the food and FMCG industries.

The editorial team of The Packman who handle all the press releases with Sunil Jain working as the desk editor.

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