Sonipat-based Devendra Photostat & Lamination has recently enhanced its offset printing division by installing a state-of-the-art Komori Enthrone 29 offset printing press, supplied and installed by Komori India. This upgrade allows the company to specialize in packaging printing services.
The company offers comprehensive commercial and packaging printing solutions, serving as a one-stop destination for all printing needs. Its production facility is strategically divided into separate divisions, each dedicated to specific printing technologies, ensuring efficient management and top-quality output.
“The decision to invest in the brand new 4-color Komori Enthrone 29 offset press was driven by a very specific need. We encountered challenges in maintaining the desired quality for packaging printing with previous offset presses from various brands. Despite our efforts, we couldn’t meet our own expectations or fulfill our customers’ requirements. Thus, we embarked on a search for the right offset press capable of delivering the precise packaging print outputs we needed. Our quest led us to Komori India, where we discovered the perfect solution in the Komori Enthrone 29,” explains Devendra Singh, CEO of Devendra Photostat & Lamination.
He adds, “Our offset printing division previously relied on two pre-owned offset presses that struggled to uphold the necessary standards of quality and consistency in packaging printing. This prompted our decision to invest in the brand-new Komori Enthrone 29. Ultimately, this investment has successfully addressed all our concerns and challenges regarding maintaining and improving overall quality and consistency in the printing and production of packaging print graphics.”
Devendra Photostat & Lamination offers a variety of printing and production divisions tailored to meet different needs. Its digital printing division features advanced Ricoh, Canon, and Konica Minolta digital color production presses. It also excels in digital large-format printing, with a dedicated division equipped with Roland and other key machines. “Notably, our packaging printing division has reached new levels with the recent upgrade to the state-of-the-art Komori Enthrone 29, significantly enhancing their capabilities,” says Singh.
Since its inception in 1996 as a modest reprographic shop specializing in photocopying, lamination, and similar tasks, Devendra Photostat & Lamination has undergone significant expansions in terms of machine portfolios, manpower, and more. “Our business trajectory began to change significantly from 2011 onward, as we embarked on aggressive investments in new machines and equipment,” says Singh. Among the typical end-products of Devendra Photostat & Lamination are catalogs, booklets, leaflets, flyers, brochures, pamphlets, calendars, mailers, business cards, and more, all offered at competitive rates.
Taking on the responsibility alongside his father, Rithik Khokhar now leads Devendra Photostat & Lamination as managing director. “Primarily, I oversee the printing and production operations of our offset division. With the installation of the new Komori offset press, we have enhanced our ability to elevate quality across various facets, especially in mono carton printing and production,” says Khokhar.
The Komori Enthrone 29 is equipped with cutting-edge features and technologies, capable of handling sheet thicknesses ranging from 0.04mm to 0.6mm and accommodating a maximum sheet size of 530 x750 mm. Its configuration includes double-size impression and transfer cylinders, guaranteeing consistent performance even on short runs of a varied mix of jobs.