Friday, March 14, 2025

ERA and Acimga announce partnership

Davide Garavaglia, president of ERA; and Daniele Barbui, presidente of Acimga

Acimga, the Italian Manufacturers Association of Machinery for the Graphic, Converting and Paper Industries, and ERA, the European Rotogravure Association, have joined forces by creating a partnership for the wider development and promotion of gravure technology.

In the month of January 2023, the two associations have chosen to collaborate with a signed agreement aimed at creating a shared guideline for the widespread content, enhancing the value of rotogravure. Both Acimga and ERA have found common grounds in the belief that the sector needs to be transformed into a community of shared interests that it’s strengthened through prestigious partnerships, not only between national players but by expanding relationships on a global scale. The collaboration between Acimga and ERA is based on mutual support throughout rotogravure activities, such as the organization of events, seminars and conferences, the dissemination of technical skills and the technological development of applications and markets.

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“The promotion and development of the gravure technology are at the core of our association and this partnership will allow us to further extend our reach into Italy, one of the most relevant countries for gravure printing. Acimga formed a gravure interest group a few years ago and since then they have generated very valuable initiatives and ideas. Our plan is to strengthen our collaboration with this team to create greater value for our members and all gravure manufacturers and printers based in Italy,” says Davide Garavaglia, president of ERA, “

“Acimga has always believed in the value of partnerships between associations, which can also be seen as a strategic tool to provide services to its members. We are very proud of this partnership with ERA, which confirms that innovation and new ideas start with the consolidation of relationships with other players in the sector. The rotogravure technology will greatly benefit from this implemented synergy, and we are looking forward to working on common projects as a way to give high-added value to this fundamental printing process. In this regard, a precious thanks goes to Gianmatteo Maggioni, coordinator of the Italian Rotogravure Group, who is committed to the development of the Group and its activities,” Daniele Barbui, president of Acimga.

The editorial team of The Packman who handle all the press releases with Sunil Jain working as the desk editor.

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