Thursday, December 19, 2024

BillerudKorsnäs’ second webinar on 25 June 2020

Sustainability and virgin/primary vs recycled fibers – a look at sustainable paper production

BillerudKorsnäs is organizing a 45-minute webinar which will provide a general, yet detailed, foundation that will enhance your sustainable mind-set. In the session, BillerudKorsnäs’ specialists will give an overview of the sustainability aspects of paper production and why paper is the nubmer 1 choice when considering a sustainable packaging material. The session will cover responsible forestry and highlight essential certifications – as well as exploring the difference between primary and recycled fibres and look into the area of carbon footprints. The webinar will also provide opportunity for attendees to ask questions.

The presenters

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Louise Wohrne: Heading communication and sustainability within Division Paper at BillerudKorsnäs, located at the head office in Sweden. Louise has long experience and knowledge in sustainability performance, strategy and reporting. Louise is passionate about pushing improvements within sustainability and have long experience of supporting and training customers in sustainability to drive value.

Johanna Ydringer: Responsible for OHS and management systems within the Forestry Department, located in Gävle, Sweden. Johanna has been in BillerudKorsnäs for 15+ years and has more experience than most when it comes to operative as well as strategic forest and environmental work. Today her main focus is sustainable forest management and related certification standards.

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Two sessions – two opportunities to join!

The webinar on Thursday – 25th of June – 10:30 AM, CEST (UTC +2h), has two options:

Register for Option 1 – 02:00 to 02:45 PM

Register for Option 2 – 07:30 to 08:15 PM

The editorial team of The Packman who handle all the press releases with Sunil Jain working as the desk editor.

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