Sunday, February 23, 2025

Valmet introduces renewed quality management system

Valmet renewed quality management system for pulp, tissue, paper, board, and converting industries lets papermakers optimize quality through the entire value chain from fiber to finished product, enabling improved process performance and increased savings through the process.

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The system utilizes Valmet’s latest innovations and expertise on pulp and paper quality management. It integrates the quality management of the entire production process and is a step towards an autonomous mill. The new capabilities of Valmet IQ increase the degree of automation and reduce the human role in the process.

“Valmet IQ extends from traditional quality controls to the retention and refining online optimization with wet end analyzers. The new moisture management solution optimizes the drying process from the wire-former section through the press and dryer section to the end of the reel. It will stabilize the process and improve the performance even further,” says Marko Toskala, director, quality management systems from Valmet.

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According to the company, Valmet IQ consists of all the devices and applications needed to monitor and optimize both process performance and end-product quality: scanners, measurements, profilers, machine vision, and quality control applications.

The editorial team of The Packman who handle all the press releases with Sunil Jain working as the desk editor.

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